Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki
Community-header-background This article, Crusades of Redemption, was written by Algrim Whitefang and Urthan. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writers' permission.

The Crusades of Redemption were the three-century long Penance Crusade undertaken by the Void Ravens Space Marine Chapter in recompense for the lamentable event known as The Infamy, when one of their own turned against the worlds of the Imperium and slaughtered millions of innocent civilians. During this time, they were under the ever-watchful eye of the Inquisition and were not allowed to replenish their ranks despite suffering horrendous casualties. These long penance crusade nearly saw the extinction of the Void Ravens, but in the end, they proved their loyalty to the Imperium and were granted the God-Emperor's forgiveness.


The Crusades of Redemption nearly wiped out the Void Ravens. They took to it with a dedication born from their shame. To have had brothers turning to the service of Chaos was the most atrocious crime that the Chapter had ever committed in the eyes of its members. Uncounted are the worlds where the Void Ravens fought and died during the Crusades of Redemption, from the fringe of the Eye of Terror to the depths of the Exile Sector, the realms of Orks and the planets of Man, they threw themselves against all the horrors of the Galaxy.

For a time, it seemed to the Inquisitors tasked with the surveillance of the Chapter that the Ravens were not so much seeking Redemption and a return to grace, but more a glorious extinction. Yet, the Chapter endured the more than three hundred years of Crusades and when the Siege of Verenos was finally lifted and that the xenos scum which had dared to try to conquer it was routed, after a twenty long years attrition war, the Inquisitors who had remained with the Chapter granted its 111 survivors the right to recruit once more. While the Inquisition hoped that the ways of the Void Ravens would change, the Chapter has returned to its root, but is now more careful and refuse to intervene in political wars on planets unless they have ascertained that Chaos or treason is truly at work.
