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Community-header-background This article, Thuther Rageshield, was written by SolZen321. Please do not edit or 'acquire' this fiction without the writer's permission.

Tech-Priest Construction This article, Thuther Rageshield, is currently under active construction. The author, SolZen321, apologizes for the inconvenience.

Bearer of His Will (Company Champion) of the 3rd Company


Thuther joined the Chapter around the same time as his fellow clansman Hris, a rival before their joining, a rival after. The constantly competed with each other until, they reach the status of battle brothers.

However it came pass that Thuther had inherited the Blood Rage. Thuther went wild and slaughtered his enemies, but turned on a brother, who he would have killed had Hris not stopped him. Since then Hris has been there to reign him in until he managed to gain control over the rage.

Thuther later became his shield, Hris' company champion for which ever company he was made captain of, so as to keep an eye on him.



Scornful of all weakness and seeming hot-blooded, Thuther is much more in control of himself than most would expect of a Will Bearer. Thuther has grown comfortable with the Blood Rage, able to slip in and out of that mental state, seemingly at will. He seemingly does this due to his bond with Hris, his captain, and fellow marine, who joined at the same time as him. The two are effectively blood brothers, possibly even literal brothers of the same chieftain, although neither is willing to comment on that.

Abilities and Traits[]

As a Company Champion Thuther's skills are beyond question, however as a Bearer of His Will, his control of his Blood Rage is his greatest ability. His mastery of it is such that he can slip into it at will, and slip out of it....with much less difficulty than others. While in this state, his mind is super focused, channel his aggression and pure hatred into tactical instinct and increased stealth, becoming somewhat predatory.


  • Bolter Rifle:
  • Power Sword:
  • Frak Grenades:


Friends and Allies[]

  • Hris Shadow-Killer: His rumored brother, and closest friend, Thuther has mixed feelings about him, on one hand he calms down Thuther, when he is overcome by the Blood Rage, and yet Thuther does harbor resentment about effectively being kept on a leash





